Yesterday morning an incident took place with lots of co-incidences. As our driver was running late, I had to drop the kids to their school, which I don’t like. But thought lets enjoy a morning drive to freshen up. When I was coming back, at a crossroad, a lengthy red signal was there. Habitually I turned off the engine to avoid pollution & wastage of petrol. And as the red signal was about to turn green, I tried to start the car but to my surprise it didn’t and as I tried to start it once again, the key broke.
Now, I was sitting in my car, almost 10 kms. away from my house. The people behind my car were frustrated that why am I not moving, but at last they moved ahead giving me a look.
I called up my sister at home to send the another set of keys through driver. It took the driver, almost 20 minutes to reach there. Till then I was concentrating on what my next blogpost would be. I started thinking about the factors that work in increasing our nervousness, whenever we are in a low phase of our life. As I sat there, most of the people were passing almost staring at me, that why am I standing there? May be through their eyes, I could have felt frustrated; but I didn’t. In fact I was smiling & in a calm mood. So, I analyzed that the people who surround us are the ones who make us feel most uncomfortable and at that time it depends on us; how do we tackle the situation. Either we get nervous through their eyes or we can just relax, can feel the strength to do whatever we want.
So, last morning’s incident gave me a lesson that no matter what, we should not get affected by the people, who just don’t know what our aim is all about.
In between these thoughts my driver came with the keys & I came home happily.
Thank you friends & have a tremendous day ahead!!!
Medhavi 🙂