Faced a little incident yesterday while travelling in the metro, with my mother. We took the metro from Iffco Chowk till Green Park. As soon as we got into the train I observed that on our opposite seat all men were sitting, I saw above that seat a small placard was there announcing “Ladies only”. I said to my mom,”Look mom, its written ladies only & all the men are sitting.” Mom said may be if they see a woman standing they will offer their seat to her. But it was not right as we could see many women standing.
Just at that moment my mom turned her head up & saw that just above my seat one more placard was there mentioning “Old & Handicapped Only”. We started laughing that this is the way here. But instantly I realized that this is not right. And here comes the test. Just after a few minutes I saw an aged & lean lady who was standing just a few feet away from me, she must be a regular traveller in the metro, because she was not expecting anybody to get up & offer her the seat she deserved.
I looked at my mom & we both had a communication through eyes, my mom supported the idea & I immediately got up. The funny thing is as soon as I got up two three people suddenly moved towards my seat thinking my stop must have arrived. But I said, “I got up so that aunty can sit here.”
I said, “Aunty please sit here.” She resisted at first by saying it’s ok, doesn’t matter. But when I insisted she sat & said thanks. I completed the rest of the journey standing. But it gave me immense satisfaction & I felt so good that at this moment this was my dharma (right duty) & I did it.
Thanks friends for reading this.
Medhavi 🙂