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Gross to Subtle


When one proceeds on this journey,
From gross to subtle.
Slowly emotions, happenings,
Behaviours, characters
Start appearing transparent.
As if one can read them,
On the face of someone one is talking to,
In the clattering of the objects,
Someone is picking up or putting down.
In someone’s gestures, eyes, facial expressions.
And most importantly in one’s conscience,
How one starts realising it profoundly that
It’s a journey within.
An improvement within,
A clearing within.
How easily one can be a spectator
Of one’s own thought flow.
How simply one can observe that
positive thoughts creates positivity,
Pamper one’s soul.
While negative ideas not only spread negativity,
But they first hurt one’s own soul.
And then these feelings travel outwards,
To others.
When one realises it to the core,
that through changing oneself only
One can hold the true power to change others.

Pleasant evening friends!!!
Medhavi 🙂

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