Just imagine the sea & its waves,
How lively are they.
So innocent yet so profound.
They only one thing, which is to flow,
To flow continuously.
They come & they go,
Sometimes they take something with them,
And sometimes they throw.
Just imagine the winds & their patterns,
How lively are they.
So, innocent yet so profound.
They only know one thing, which is to blow.
To blow continuously.
They come & they go,
Sometimes they take something with them,
And sometimes they throw.
Just imagine the sun & its glory,
How lively is he.
So innocent yet so profound.
He only knows one thing which is to shine,
To shine continuously.
He comes everyday & he goes,
Sometimes he finds clouds & sometimes he just glows.
Just imagine the moon,
How lively is he.
So innocent yet so profound.
He only knows one thing, which is to gleam.
To gleam continuously.
He too comes every night & he goes.
Sometimes he hides for a new moon,
But sometimes he appears so soon.
Just imagine the sky & its greatness,
How lively is he.
So innocent yet so profound.
He only knows one thing, which is to give space.
Continuously & eternally.
He never comes & never goes.
Coz he stays there forever for us,
For the winds, for the sun, the moon,
& for the oceans.
Sometimes we take notice of him
& sometimes we ignore.
But we should be at our space,
He always makes sure.
How much can we learn from the nature,
Or are we just thankless creatures?
Who just come & go,
Without even trying to know,
What this life is all about.
Yes, we live it without a doubt,
But how deep we dive into it,
How much surrendered we try to be?
In fact we continue on our spree.
So, friends! Come let’s pause ourselves,
Let’s observe the nature & it’s strengths.
Let’s learn to be lively like them,
Let’s be passionate & forceful like them.
Thank you for your time friends.
Have a flowing weekend ahead!!!
Medhavi 🙂