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A Poem on Parenting

Reading often fills me up with emotions. Recently I have read so many stories on how children ill-treat their parents in old age that I couldn’t stop myself from writing these lines. I don’t know whether it’s right or wrong, true or false, I just wrote what I felt, without my personal experience.

A journey of emotions
That starts with holding your offspring in your arms
With tears of joy
Seeing him/her growing
Doing cute deeds
With each passing day

Dedicating your mental, physical
And financial strength to their upbringing
Meanwhile creating abstract bridged of hope
That they will revert the same one day

At the same time
Letting them take you for granted
That you are there for them forever
In each possible way

Irrespective of your growing age
Depleting health and irregular finances
One day they leave you to make their own way

And if they do not
They stay to suck
Whatever you are left with

Often this journey ends on a bitter note
One keeps pondering
What went wrong
Did I rightly devote?

Friends, you can share your views about the same.

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