Watched English-Vinglish again with my mom. I got tears in my eyes, many times, both the times. I’m happy Bollywood is going into such a wonderful direction. This move is so amazing, it has touched hearts. It has told housewives that they too have a right to see dreams, to live their lives. They should never ever under estimate themselves. They are the ones who have the power to raise their children with good moral values, act as a support & strength to their husbands, take care of their houses & along with all these they can be entrepreneurs, teachers, guides, painters, writers etc. also. They have raised us, generation after generation. Still this is the most under estimated 24X7 job of our society.
And if we talk about english, why this language is so hyped in our society? It’s okay we all know that English has a very big hand in our country’s growth. But still we can’t make fun of anyone if he/she doesn’t know it. The most important thing to make a living is smartness, we should not forget that language is just a mode of communication.
So, cheer up housewives!!! Always remember, what you are doing can not be done by anyone.
Three cheers for all the housewives; Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Hurray!
Thanks & have a great day friends!
-Medhavi 🙂