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Me, the consciousness. Me, the power. Me, the spark. Me, the soul. Me, the force. Me, the positive. Me, the hope. Me, the divine. Me, the confident. Me, the constructive. Me, the enthusiastic. Me, the optimistic. Me, the undeniable. Me, the mighty. Me, the knowledgeable. Me, the strength. Me, the…

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Just started reading “Life Of Pi” by Yann Martel and surprisingly in first two pages only got to know about this cute animal called Sloth. They are medium sized mammals found in the jungles of central & South America. Sharing exactly what I read about these cute, saintly animals in…

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Let’s Experience The Naked Honesty…

We live casually, shallowly, randomly, Enough! Enough of this kind of living. Come friends! Let's start a journey, A journey towards the soul. A journey, which is profound, A journey, with a purpose. A purpose to serve the soul. A purpose not to integrate the whole world, But to integrate ourselves first. A purpose completely selfish, To find our own…

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What If You Are The Chosen One…?

We all live our lives quite randomly, without giving it much thought, without realizing how important we are in this universe.  And because we are important; every decision we make, every step we take becomes important. But we don’t pay any attention to this. We are just living our lives;…

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What Can We Do For The Society?

The incidents happening in our society like rapes, deaths, suicides & increasing painful diseases; bound me to write. To write as much as I can, to write on various issues, to observe them, analyse them, think about them with an unbiased perspective and write. These things motivate us to do some real…

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If We Truly Want To Achieve…

If we want to achieve something in life and we know that this is our true passion, this is the reason of our existence...if we are sure about it. Then we have to &we should start our journey from now only because just think if the train won't leave the…

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