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If you are planning to restart your education at this age

Learning new things & gaining knowledge is a never-ending journey. It depends how open are the windows of one’s mind. Once you are awake, you are awake.


No matter what were the circumstances when you left your education. Be thankful because at that point of your life something else was meant to happen & hopefully, sooner or later, you must have embraced it joyfully. Over the years you must have developed some new insights, perspectives & I am sure you would have become more intelligent by now. As now you have your life’s experiences.


[su_box title=”Finding ” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#68b5d4″ title_color=”#11032b”]Decide to study for your own satisfaction & internal grooming.[/su_box]


When awakening starts, one feels blissful & starts considering oneself as a genius. Forgetting almost completely that it’s a huge planet & many others are, currently, undergoing through same emotions. And many more have already been through this path, hence they are far ahead than one. So, one needs to be realistic & have to seek guidance from one’s seniors (of the same field of course).


[su_quote]Education is the only way to raise the intellectual level of a society.[/su_quote]


In context of education, I would like to share about my personal journey. I got married at the age of eighteen. Though I was a good student but surprisingly I was quite happy at my wedding. Time flew; I became a mother of two beautiful children.


Then after fifteen years in 2010, I got this intense intuition that now my target is to get a PhD degree. And the journey of transformation began:

  • I did my graduation, completed it in 2012.
  • Then completed my master’s degree in 2014.
  • I gave NET (National Eligibility Test) in December 2014, though I got good marks but couldn’t clear it due to higher cutoff.
  • After that I got my certification of Life Coaching, in 2015.
  • In July 2015, I gave an entrance test for PhD in another university & cracked it.
  • Yesterday only I’ve submitted my synopsis, according to the university’s guidelines. It got approved and now my journey towards Doctor of Philosophy has started.


Friends, believe me it’s never too late to get educated. All we need is:

  • Determination
  • A strong will to succeed
  • Time management
  • Concentration of energy


Though when we are in school years, it’s suggested that one must study throughout the year. But at this age my pattern wasn’t like that. I used to study like this:


  • 15-20 days prior submitting the assignments, which is twice a year.
  • Attending the 10 (or more or lesser) days’ classes, held by the university.
  • Then almost 15 days before (& during) the examination.


[su_box title=”Philosophy” style=”noise” box_color=”#8d1675″ title_color=”#11032b”]If getting educated is not a compulsion to get some job; then it has to be for the sole purpose of self-satisfaction & gaining knowledge.[/su_box]

If you, too, want to continue your education & need some motivation, do contact me for free sessions.


Peace & love


Medhavi 🙂

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