Do you believe in miracles,
I do.
When noons are 43 degrees high,
And rains come in the night,
How temperature falls from 40 to 25,
How hot air turns into cool wind.
Isn’t it a miracle quite?
When it’s day which seems like night,
Full of black clouds & full of strife.
Then all of a sudden the sun starts to shine,
Isn’t it a miracle quite?
How season changes from winter to spring,
Spring to summer & summer to rainy,
Rainy to autumn & then again autumn to winter bright.
Isn’t it a miracle quite?
These are the miracles from nature’s side.
We can even find many of them in our lives.
One is;
When there is a moment of depression,
& we feel like in a state of compression,
How a little thought changes our mood,
& we find ourselves in a state of boost.
Isn’t it a miracle dude?
One thing is absolutely true about miracles,
They can happen in a blink oracle.
They are enthusiastic & can teach us
something fantastic.
So, do you believe in miracles?
I do.
Thanks & have a great day friends!!!
Medhavi Jain