“Dharma For Life Premiere: An Evening of Wisdom and Wellness”, held at The Tulip Clubhouse on January 20, 2024, was a noteworthy intellectual event organised by Dr. Medhavi Jain, the Founder of Dharma For Life. The purpose of this event was to foster intellectual engagement and cultural exploration.
The event commenced at 2:30 PM with a…
Hello friends,
Recently I got an invite to be a weekly podcaster with an initiative of the HT team named: health-shots. This is a website that is meant to solve the queries of the millennials, esp. women. I am talking about various issues here including the challenges youngsters face in their everyday lives. Plus as a life-coach…
[su_highlight]Positivity is that which surrounds her whole persona. Her voice cladded with charm and sweetness at all times. So much so that it fills one with good vibes. Yes, with that she has won over Corona.[/su_highlight]
I am glad that she is one of my good friends. Meet Mrs. Beena Jain, a resident of Delhi. Very…
[su_quote]Garbage is not that which we see openly in our surroundings but that which we get rid of secretly, in a way which one is unable to grasp that how much harm that causes to our environment, and in the long run to mother earth. Be it physical garbage or abstract. [/su_quote]
Imagine an Indian…
[su_quote]When a 95-year-old, looks back at his life, he is distant enough to see and analyze its occurrences, how events took place, how achievements were accomplished and how the cosmos worked in his favor in various adversities. And when that man is a scholar, the observation becomes even deeper. [/su_quote]
As soon as…
Hello friends,
Recently I launched my YouTube Channel MJ TALKS. Do visit & subscribe @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCINUF6KJ34M0UgZStAWCR2A?view_as=subscriber
Very recently I have shared about the end of my vegan journey, about which I was quite passionate. Do visit that specifically & do share with the vegans you know. They should know the negative side of the same.
[su_box title="Observation " style="glass" box_color="#f5ed72" title_color="#2b0c66" radius="6"]Sometimes one finds that quality of transparency, dedication & satisfaction in a work culture which can be a role model even for the bigger corporate cultures.
I was feeling a bit awkward visiting a naturopathy centre for the very first time in life because I was completely unaware of…
Find all smoothie recipes at So Vegan Facebook Page. And for the rest search on google by typing the exact recipe name as mentioned.
Also friends recently I launched my YouTube channel MJ Talks. Do visit to see me talk about: life, transformation, philosophy, objective truth, poetry, feminism, veganism & on many other topics.
Medhavi :-)
In the picture you can see: Mrs. Sheela Dutt (Medical Superintendent, Batra Hospital Delhi), Mrs. Sudesh Chawla (who has won the battle of breast cancer very recently), Mrs. Bina Jain (the bold woman behind this group's activities), Mrs. Manjeet Brar (The eldest amongst us but the youngest in terms of traveling the whole Delhi either…