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10 Things Jain Philosophy Taught Me

Belonging from a mixed culture (Baniya, Punjabi) gave me, comparatively, a broader point of view to see and understand things. I got married into a Jain family. Eventually after sixteen years, my reading habit made me curious to know the answers of some philosophical questions like: What is life? Why are we here? What is our purpose? What lies beyond etc.? Then as destined I got in touch with the teachings of Jainism, within two days I started to transform, I felt a divine energy pouring through me. I found many of my hidden capabilities, till then lying somewhere in my subconscious. At that moment I realised why there are so less people interested in, or know about this philosophy? Silently my consciousness took a pledge of studying it further (as much as I can), and then spread it in my own way. As I believe 'Life is a journey of knowing, not believing.' I picked up my lost dreams again, of continuing my education. Since then there is no looking back. In past 6-7 years, I became a writer, completed my graduation, then masters (in Jainism), became a Life-Coach, in the meanwhile two of my Hindi poetry books got published, and now I am a research scholar, busy in PhD. Without wasting time, I would like to share a few things that this wonderful philosophy has taught me.

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Keeping low flame of emotions

क्रोध हो या मान लोभ हो या माया धीमी आँच. दूर हो या पास भूख हो या प्यास धीमी आँच. जीवन को सरल बनाना है मुस्कराते हुए बिताना है तो, धीमी आँच. जैसे धीमी आँच पर पका भोजन है बेहतर वैसे धीमी आँच पर जिया गया जीवन है परिपक्व आओ, करें धीमी आँच. Have a great day friends!!! Medhavi :-)  

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Gratitude O mother Universe

Wherever my money is going Abundance… Whoever is providing service to me Gratitude… Whoever I am providing service to Thankfulness… Where there is tension Peace of mind… Where there is sorrow Bliss… Whoever is ill Good health… Where there is violence Tranquility… Today & everyday What else can I ask for O mother Universe. Have pleasant evening friends!!! Medhavi :-) [wysija_form id="1"]      

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It's not a child's play Let each thought, analysation Gets assimilated into your being's core Let the observation journey continue it's chore. Keep learning new words Keep exploring their meanings even more. Let the senses of your mind be open Until you start understanding the words unspoken. And then the words would ooze out from your soul On their…

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Universe’s children

Yes, it all matters My tiny nervousnesses, efforts, hard-work To fulfil my dreams. It matters in this enormous universe Coz I am none other than One of her children. Happy day spirituals!!! It's so much fun posting a blog while traveling. Medhavi :-)

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It feels good when….

It's so good, when we surrender ourselves completely to life. When we start flowing with it. It gives us immense confidence & strength to face any situation & to stay calm in every circumstance. It feels awesome when you welcome everything as it comes. It feels good when you see…

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